Thursday, October 29, 2009

LiL'Wayne Pleads Guilty ? | Interracial coupling | Donuts ? o_o

Alright . I'm upset . Truly upset . I know I'm a couple days off , but I haven't been blogging lately and this I want to rant about . Dwayne Carter's incarceration . =\ No more sexy locks, meng. They're cutting your shit off and putting it on EBAY !!!

What the flying fuck ?
Prison cells are being flooded with our talented young black men . Whats going on men ? What happens when all of your asses are behind jail playing some other dudes Shaniqua and us girls are left out here to fend for ourselves ? Me, personally I don't mess with the fish so you won't catch me with another chick so I guess I'll end up asexual (Its gonna happen anyway). You guys keep faking us out and then get tight when we're mingling with some blue collared Tom. *Since I'm on the topic* That brings me to the other issue that irks my nerves.
I love MEN. Black men, White men, Hispanic men, Asian men . . .am i forgetting anything ? Lol.
I don't discriminate against race, AT ALL . Therefore you might catch me with a sexy caramel Jahmal, with a head full of smooth sexy waves one day and a white chocolate nugget named Ray with a crew cut that enjoys long walks in the park and golf. LOL, I'm just saying. As long as I'm attracted to the guy I have no problemo giving sexy the time and day . SO why is it that every time we women of color go outside of the box its considered "straying", shit we like to switch it up every now and then . Black guys go for women of other races all the time, and they get high fived for it , but I cant bring my white boyfriend to the hood without getting grilled ? NEVER THAT.

hmphhh .

Anywhoot , I'm gonna go listen to some weezy , eat some delish donuts & mourne his year long hiatus . I feel bad for all those people who brought tickets to his march concert. I bet you're saying, "FML". Tehehe.


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